Friday 14 December 2012

Pray to Allah

Assalamualaikum dear peeps ...

today , aku xnk type or story mory pnjng2 .. as u all know kan , i'm 15 . *so what ?  so , for those yg umo 15 mcm aku , kami ialah PMR CANDIDATES .. *ex-PMR candidates ye .. sbb pmr dah lps *
so, pmr dah lps and now we're waiting for our result -.-  RESULT ~ so, brckp psl result , semalam time pkl 8 ++ mlm *bola Malaysia vs Thailand* aku dok kt dapur sdng excited nk buat air milo sbb nk tngk bola la konon ..hahaha .. apepun xboleh .. then , umi aku pnggil aku

umi : k.pah , result pmr 19/12 la ..

aku : *dlm suasana excited* hah ? gapo ?

umi : result pmr 19/12 nih ..

aku : *ckp dngn diri sendiri * xdngr la .. (then trus pegi kat umi )

aku : umi , umi oyk gpo sakni ? xdngr la ..

umi : nih , result pmr tubik 19/12 nih ..

aku : *ilang rase excited* hah ? btl ko ? umi tau mno ? *nmpk sngt xbleh trima knytaan*

umi : nih , ale brito oyk .

aku : ouh yo ko .. *terus rase gmentar* then cabut lari trus contact kwn

*dialog dlm bhsa kelate ok . yup ! i'm kelantanese .. i'm proud to be kelantanese :D

so , abis je texting kwn , prsaan berdebar sudah dtng .. sumpah ! xsenang ddk aku time Malaysia lwn Thailand .. bkn sbb tkt Malaysia klh tp , yes ! i'm thinking about my result .. rase nk mngis pun ade . sebak mmikirkan result .. tpi , aku pndamkan je .. well , i'm not the type yg suka tunjuk2 dpn org ok :D
but , hati mula rasa tenang sikit bila aku bagitau kat diri aku yg aku xkeseorangan bcoz I HAVE ALLAH (,:
yup ! i have Allah .. the best listener for me .. so , aku cuba tenangkan hati and enjoy the football game .. hahahahha .. then , rase mcm upset ugk sbb Malaysia kalah .. but still , Malaysia xmnang sbb dah tertulis takdir Allah mcm tu rite ? Allah Maha mengetahui & Allah sebaik2 perancang .. so , come on la Malaysian , jgn salahkan ref tu ok . even , kalau Malaysia main 15 pemain pun , kalau Allah xbagi Malaysia menang , xmenang jugak kite .. so , REDHA la .. it is the best way (:  and one more thing , ref tu from NORTH KOREA bukannye SOUTH KOREA .. so , jgn nk babitkan kpop dgn die .. xperlulah nk anti kpop sngt nye .. kpop tu artis my dear . die tu ref . so , dah nmpk prbezaan antara ref and artis .. one more thing , kpop is from SOUTH KOREA and ref tu from NORTH KOREA .. harap faham (:

ok , aku tau aku dah off topic but , hey wateva la .. this is my  blog.. hahaha .. kidding .
so , papepun yg jadi , pray to Allah and always remember Allah ..
and i hope can get 9As in PMR . pray for me peeps . tq (:
so , papepun 19/12 here we go & please be nice to me .

bye peeps xD

yes . Allah is the best listener (,:

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