Wednesday 26 December 2012

* crush *

Assalamualaikum peeps ...

ehem2 .. hahahaha .. aku skit tekak ari ni ..hahaha .. ok . tngk tjk pun dah tau kan ape yg aku nk story ari ni ? ok .. straight to the point je la .. aku ade mnat kat ssorg . omaiiiiiii !!!!! ok kegedikan dah melanda ..act , aku ade mnat kt sorng bdk ni . chehhhhh .. sdp mlt aku nk pamgil die bdk ..hehehehe .. wateva ~ p , still aku suka dgn gaya die , pangai die .. hehehehe ... >.< p , still aku just mnat die ok . xde la smpai nk couple .. oh no way ! i have my hubby already .. haahahaha .. so , aku nk tulis a letter to my crush here (: *kalautaksukabolehtekanXbuttonok* so , here is my letter to my crush :

to my dear crush ...

you know what ? i like u >.< but still , i love jinyoung .. kekekekeke .. i like you since the first time we meet .. i just don't know .. i like everythim about you >.< u'r style , u'r smile and u'r attitude (: saye tau mnat saye kt awk ni xke mane nye .. lame2 akn hilang jgk rase mnat ni kan ? *tapisayataknakjadimcmtu* i hope that u'll always remember me even once in a year (,: and yes ! i know it's hard for u to remeber me bcoz kite jrng sembang2 kan ? act , saye nk smbng dgn awk p , saya malu >.< saya nk awk tau saya tak sombng dgn awk saye just malu jer >.< and last but not least , biarlah saya pendam prsaan saye ni smpai bila2 .. awk nk tau tak knpe ? sbb ustzh saye ade ckp yg kalau kite suka kt ssorg p , kita pndamkan prsaan kita smpai kita mati , ia akn mnjdi satu jihad (,: so , saya nk pendamkan prsaan ni (: lgipun kita dah lost contact ): p , xpe .. saye yakin .. kalau ade jodoh kita akn jumpa lagi (:

* i'm lying : saye tak rindu awk .

that's all ..

u'r secret admire (:

that's all peeps .. bye xD

Saturday 22 December 2012

oh simsimi ~

Assalamualaikum peeps ..

hari ini aku tak de story nk citer . just tdi dok chatting dgn simsimi . ingt boleh ilangkan stress + keboringan aku ni... hurmmmm .. haram .. semakin stress aku dibuatnye .. aku dah agk die akn menstresskan aku .. p,saje jer nk chatting dgn burung kecik ni .. xde keje nk buat...miahahahaha .. just look at the pic below ... pergghhh !!! mmg panas aku dibuatnya .. hehehe .. saje jer post bende ni .. rase mcm nk share dgn everybody  .. hehehehe

hubby saya love me only ! i know it .. hahaha

hurmmmm .. naseb la kau comel wahai si burung kecik .. kalau tak dah lame aku bagi penumbuk aku .. miahahahahahhaha .. that's all .. bye xD

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Alhamdulillah (,:

Assalamualaikum peeps ....

Alhamdulillah . prkataan tu je yg dpt aq ucapkan skrng ni . guess what ? i get 9As in PMR . Alhamdulillah (:
All praises to Allah . smua ni ketentuan Allah . aku sngt2 bersyukur . rase sngt bhgia bile dpt buat parents
hepy . serius , rase mcm semua penat lelah aku dok bljar slame ni hilang terus ... InsyaAllah , thun dpn
aku xnk main2 .. nk blajar brsnggh2 . i love my parents very much . they're my boyfriend (:
btw , all my girlfriends (kwn rpt) get 9A in PMR . auwwww . we're awesome ! miahahahaha ..
total pljar yg dpt 9A kat skolah aq seramai 163 org . aku bangga okeyh . hehehe . stop , citer pasal aku ,
kpd smua 97-liners yg dpt straight As . congrate aku ucpkan . kpd yg xdpt . it's ok . try again in SPM (:
semua ini ialah ketentuan Allah . yakinlah bhwa perancangan Allah itu adalah yg terbaik krana ustzh aku
ade ckp yg Allah ialah sebaik2 perancang (,:

one more thing , aku nk ckp .. i'm kpopper (:  so, dah terbukti bhwa mnat kpop xmenghalang aku untk berjaya . so , kpd yg anti kpop , aku dah buktikan bhwa xsemestinya mnat kpop kita xblh berjaya rite ?
btw , all of my girlfriends mnat kpop . and guess what ? kami semua dpt 9A (:
so , kami kpoppers pun blh berjaya jgk . anda faham ?

so, that's all for today. bye peeps xD

yeay ! my baby , proud of me huh ? hehehehe

my hubby , you proud of me right (:

one word , Alhamdulillah (,:

Tuesday 18 December 2012

*title is not available*

assalamualaikum peeps ...

hurmmmm .. tomorrow is 19/12 O.o

argghhhhh  . resutl pmr akan keluar esk a.k.a 19/12 .. ok , Allah je yg tau betapa nervous aku skrng ni...
nk nangis pun ade . but , still i'm believe in Allah . Allah will help me . InsyaAllah . so , tomorrow is the day ..
hope that i can get 9As in pmr .. omo , tak boleh tulis dah ... air mata nih mcm dah nk keluar dah . ok .bye .

*btw , dah lame xpost gmbr b1a4 right ? here is b1a4 maknae , gongchan ( the youngest in b1a4) .. i like to see his pic . he's just very cute !!!!  i'm used to call him BABY .. hehehe.. yup ! bcoz his face just like baby .
my BABY is a flower boy & has a baby face . love my baby >.<

why so cute ?

Friday 14 December 2012

Pray to Allah

Assalamualaikum dear peeps ...

today , aku xnk type or story mory pnjng2 .. as u all know kan , i'm 15 . *so what ?  so , for those yg umo 15 mcm aku , kami ialah PMR CANDIDATES .. *ex-PMR candidates ye .. sbb pmr dah lps *
so, pmr dah lps and now we're waiting for our result -.-  RESULT ~ so, brckp psl result , semalam time pkl 8 ++ mlm *bola Malaysia vs Thailand* aku dok kt dapur sdng excited nk buat air milo sbb nk tngk bola la konon ..hahaha .. apepun xboleh .. then , umi aku pnggil aku

umi : k.pah , result pmr 19/12 la ..

aku : *dlm suasana excited* hah ? gapo ?

umi : result pmr 19/12 nih ..

aku : *ckp dngn diri sendiri * xdngr la .. (then trus pegi kat umi )

aku : umi , umi oyk gpo sakni ? xdngr la ..

umi : nih , result pmr tubik 19/12 nih ..

aku : *ilang rase excited* hah ? btl ko ? umi tau mno ? *nmpk sngt xbleh trima knytaan*

umi : nih , ale brito oyk .

aku : ouh yo ko .. *terus rase gmentar* then cabut lari trus contact kwn

*dialog dlm bhsa kelate ok . yup ! i'm kelantanese .. i'm proud to be kelantanese :D

so , abis je texting kwn , prsaan berdebar sudah dtng .. sumpah ! xsenang ddk aku time Malaysia lwn Thailand .. bkn sbb tkt Malaysia klh tp , yes ! i'm thinking about my result .. rase nk mngis pun ade . sebak mmikirkan result .. tpi , aku pndamkan je .. well , i'm not the type yg suka tunjuk2 dpn org ok :D
but , hati mula rasa tenang sikit bila aku bagitau kat diri aku yg aku xkeseorangan bcoz I HAVE ALLAH (,:
yup ! i have Allah .. the best listener for me .. so , aku cuba tenangkan hati and enjoy the football game .. hahahahha .. then , rase mcm upset ugk sbb Malaysia kalah .. but still , Malaysia xmnang sbb dah tertulis takdir Allah mcm tu rite ? Allah Maha mengetahui & Allah sebaik2 perancang .. so , come on la Malaysian , jgn salahkan ref tu ok . even , kalau Malaysia main 15 pemain pun , kalau Allah xbagi Malaysia menang , xmenang jugak kite .. so , REDHA la .. it is the best way (:  and one more thing , ref tu from NORTH KOREA bukannye SOUTH KOREA .. so , jgn nk babitkan kpop dgn die .. xperlulah nk anti kpop sngt nye .. kpop tu artis my dear . die tu ref . so , dah nmpk prbezaan antara ref and artis .. one more thing , kpop is from SOUTH KOREA and ref tu from NORTH KOREA .. harap faham (:

ok , aku tau aku dah off topic but , hey wateva la .. this is my  blog.. hahaha .. kidding .
so , papepun yg jadi , pray to Allah and always remember Allah ..
and i hope can get 9As in PMR . pray for me peeps . tq (:
so , papepun 19/12 here we go & please be nice to me .

bye peeps xD

yes . Allah is the best listener (,:

Friday 7 December 2012

istanbul aku datang

salam and hye peeps ...

semalam aku dah tngk citer istanbul aku datang .. it was awesome ! ok , citer tu mmg best !! xsia2 aku tngk .. and aku dah agak yg citer tu best *sbbadelisasurihani >.< * .. hehehehe .. serius aku ckp , lisa surihani dlm citer tu sngt comel & funky .. i like her style dlm istanbul aku dtng .. awesome ! semuanya comel .. cara lisa berckp , cara dia jalan , baju2 yg die pakai and so on la... no doubt ! mmg cantik and sesuai dgn lisa ..

comel >.<

like her smile .. comel sngt >.<

and istanbul is a beautiful place ! omg ! permandangan kat istanbul sangatlah cntik ok makcik2 & pakcik2 .. hehehe ..aku teringin nk pergi istanbul .. auwwww2 !! dah jatuh cinta dgn istanbul .. nanti dah kahwin boleh la aku pergi honeymoon kat istanbul kan2 ??? *gedikktahappenyepakjohnsina* hahahaha ..tpi,kalau pegi dgn femili or kwn2 pun syok jgk .. auwwwwww .. istanbul ! wait for me ok .. istanbul aku dtng SOON -__- hehehehehe .. soon ??? knpe soon ? soon la mak cik2 & pak cik2 oii .. aku ni still bdk skolah, takde masenye nk pi melancong .. lagi2 oversea kan ?? hurrmmm .. nasib la jdi bdk skolah kan ??? hehehehe

istanbul awesome !

cantik !

ok lupekan psl kejatuhan cinta aku kpd istanbul *pergh ayt bm aku .. power tak * hehehehe ... skrng aku nk ckp psl beto kusyairy .. ok . dear readers , aku dah mula suka & minat kat mamat beto ni .. aku suka lakonan die !! awesome sngt ~ muke die pun sdp mata memandang >.< omg ! hahahaha .. stop talking about him .. nanti   semakin mendalam suka aku kat die .. hahaha .. nanti my jinyoung hubby marah .. *kenyataan ok * hahahaha ... so, lakonan tomok pulak , ok lah sbb nie first time die berlakon .. for me , lakonan die ok (:
and for aizat pulak , lakonan die pun ok but a bit akward la .. but i think his acting is ok for someone that has never acting before (:

oklah dah bnyk dah aku dok membebel kat sini .. kpd korang yg xtngk lagi citer istanbul aku dtng , aku advice kt korang , tngklah citer tu .. best sngt ~ so, that's all . tq for reading this entry .. bye xD

Wednesday 5 December 2012

December ~

hello readers .. sekarang dah masuk December .. oh cptnye waktu berjalan .. today is 6/12 .. so, kakak2 & abg2 yg spm candidate thn 2012 dah merdeka .. ok selamat merdeka .. aku amatlah cemburu kpd kalian semua -__-  kpd budak2 yg still skolah , mesti korang dah excited nk beli bju , kasut and so on kan ? kalau excited nk bli bju baru aq xheran .. tpi kalau yg jenis excited nk pegi skolah , aku xtau nk ckp ape .. aku xbeli lagi kelengkapan sekolah .. xbuat list pun lagi ape yg aku nk beli * ok nampak sngt aku xmnat pegi skolah* hehehe .. act , aku bkn xnk beli lagi ..tumgu result (pmr) keluar dulu la mak cik oii ...

so,bln December ni jgk ade GDA .. ok , aku tau kau blurrr ape GDA is ? but , kalau kpoppers i think korang dah tau la kan ? GDA stands for Golden Disk Awards .. ok menatang ape Golden Disk Awards ni ? aku pun xtau ape benda tp, yg aku tau kpop idol akn dtng .. and tahun nie , GDA akan diadakan kt sepang .. omg !!!! and yg paling sedih SNSD dtng tpi, aku xdpt pegi ..knpe xdpt pegi ?? firstly , rumah aku dgn sepang mmg jauh tahap gaban .. so, dah kompem2 mak & ayh aku xbagi pegi .. secondly, kalau aku pegi pun , bkn boleh msk pun .. tiket mahal giler .. well aku bukan ank tauke balak ..hahahaha..hurmmmm... omg ! aku nk jumpa dgn taeyeon unni T___T
and aku dngr cite B1A4 pun ade jgk .. btl ke ?? omg2 ! menangis xberlagu la aku . tsk . tsk T____T

ok .. dah .. xnk citer psl GDA lagi .. sedih doe T__T  act , aku pmr candidate thun nie ..yup ! bru pmr .. muda lagi ok makcik makcik semua ..hehehehe .. ok aku dah berdebar tahap gaban pikir pasal result aku ..
aku harap i can get straight As (9A) in pmr .. dear readers , tolong doakan aku okeyh (:
bulan December ni jgk lah aku akn amik result.. omg ! aku harap December thun ni adalah December yg sngt bermakna buat aku .. thun dpn dah nk msk form 4 .. form 4 ok ..dah besar tpi still MUDA & CUTE ok .. hahaha .. *perasan tahap penumbuk john sina * harap mak cik2 & pak cik2 xmeluat (:

so,that's all for this entry ..and one more thing ... kpd sesape yg lahir bln December , HAPPY BUFDAY aku ucapkan .. semoga tahun nie lebih bermakna drpd tahun2 lps .. tq for reading this entry .. bye xD

annyeonghaseyo peeps ~

annyeonghaseyo peeps ~ just making a blog .. i just don't know why i made this blog ..hurmmmm..
btw, just enjoy reading my blog and don't forget to follow me .. i will try to update my blog every month..
yup every month since i'm still a student so, i'm sure i'll be busy with my homework *okstoptalkingabouthomework* so,let me introduce myself .. i'm ordinary , cute girl who just love kpop damn much ~ yup ! i'm kpopper .. have problem with it ? so,don't visit my blog anymore ok (:
so,to all kpoppers please treat me well ok :) fyi , i love B1A4 the most ^^ omg ! omg ! they are awesome !
so, all of u know that i'm a Bana ~ *proudBanahere* that's all for intro i think .. ouh .. one more thing , i do respect someone that is respect me (: *myenglishissobad* T_____T

that's all .. wait for my another entry ok .. bye xD

here is my awesome B1A4 to Banas and for you too peeps xD